Monday, January 28, 2013

When In Doubt Use Frankincense

Aromatic, Topical, Internal,
Neat (no dilution)
 Oh I love Frankincense!! It is so wonderful! I pretty much use 1 drop of DoTERRA's Frankincense in every blend I make. It enhances all oils which is exactly what I want. I use it on my face everyday because it is great for wrinkles. After I had my 2nd baby Tristan I became very depressed and then got pregnant again soon after with my 3rd baby Layla and became even more depressed I was having a really hard time mentally. So I started putting 1 drop of Frankincense, 1 drop Lavender and 1 drop Ylang Ylang on my heart everyday and I kid you not, not even 2 weeks later I was completely fine! Better than fine! Things that I had held on to for years felt like they just melted away. I no longer had a heavy heart I became so happy and fulfilled. Even now I just love life, love everyone and I am happier than I have ever been in my Whole life. If you are to get any Essential Oil get Frankincense but get DoTERRA's Frankincense. DoTERRA has the highest quality Essential Oils out there and it makes a BIG difference. Spend the extra money you wont regret it. You can get Frankincense *HERE*. And if you want a 25% discount leave me a message or email me and I tell you how. 

Here are some other benefits of Frankincense. I get my information from Modern Essentials it explains all DoTERRA's products and many disorders and conditions. You definitely want this book. If you would like this book *CLICK HERE*


Anticatarrhal, anticancer, antidepressant, anti-infecious, anti-inflammmatory, antiseptic, antitumor, expectorant, immune stimulant, and sedative.

Common Primary Uses:

Alzheimer's Disease, Aneurysm, Arthritis, Asthma, Balance, Brain (Aging), Brain Injury, Breathing, Cancer, Coma, Concussion, Confusion, Coughs, Depression, Fibroids, Genital Warts, Hepatitis, Immune System Support, Improve Vision, Infected Wounds, Inflammation, Liver Cirrhosis, Lou Gehrig's Disease, Memory, Mental Fatigue, Miscarriage (After), Moles, MRSA, Multiple Sclerosis, Nasal Polyp, Parkinson's Disease, Plague, Postpartum Depression, Scarring (Prevention), Seizures, Tumor (Lipoma), Ulcers, Uterus Tissue Regeneration, Virus of Nerves, Warts, Wrinkles.

Historical Uses: 

Frankincense is a holy oil in the Middle East. As and ingredient in the holy incense, it was used anciently during sacrificial ceremonies to help improve communication with the creator.

French Medicinal Uses:

Asthma, depression ulcers.

Other Possible Uses:

This oil may help with aging, allergies, bites (insect and snake) bronchitis, carbuncles, catarrh, colds, diarrhea, diphtheria, gonorrhea, headaches, healing, hemorrhaging, herpes, high blood pressure, jaundice, laryngitis, meningitis, nervous conditions, prostate problems, pneumonia, respiratory problems, sciatic pain, sores, spiritual awareness, staph, strep, stress, syphilis, T.B, tension, tonsillitis, typhoid, and wounds. It contains sesquiterpenes, enabling it to go beyond the blood-brain barrier. It may also help oxygenate the pineal and pituitary glands. It increases the activity of leukocytes, defending the body against infection. Frankincense may also help a person have a better attitude, which may help to strengthen the immune system.

Body System(s) Affected: 

This oil helps to focus energy, minimize distractions, and improve concentration. It eases hyperactivity, impatience, irritability, and restlessness and can help enhance spiritual awareness and meditation.


Can be applied neat (with no dilution), when used topically. Apply to reflex points and/or directly on area of concern; diffuse.

Oral Use As Dietary Supplement: 
Approved by the FDA for use as a Food Additive and Flavoring Agent. Put one drop under tongue and sallow everyday.


Anonymous said...

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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

you can get therapeutic grade frankincense from this site