Monday, January 28, 2013


I recently did a Post about DoTERRA Essential Oil Cinnamon and Weight Loss. I wanted to go into detail about the great benefits of Cinnamon and all the wonderful things it can help with. I love using Cinnamon it gives me energy, helps with weight loss and levels blood sugar levels so I don't have those really bad sugar cravings. I also use it if anyone has diarrhea. I warm up water put honey and 3 drops Cinnamon. It tastes great and does so many things at once. My husband used it to stop chewing he got toothpicks and soaked them in DoTERRA's Cinnamon Oil. He said it stopped the cravings and it was nice to have something in his mouth. There are so many great things about Cinnamon. Just make sure you wash your hands with soap and water Cinnamon it is very powerful. I get mine from DoTERRA because they are the highest quality of Essential Oils out there and are completely pure.

If you would like to purchase DoTERRA's Cinnamon Essential Oil *CLICK HERE* I get my information form the book Modern Essentials a must have book with DoTERRA's Essential Oils.

Extraction Method: 
Steam distillation from bark

Antibacterial, antidepressant, anti-fungal, anti-infectious, (intestinal, urinary), anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-parasitic, antiseptic, antispasmodic (light) antiviral, astringent, immune stimulant, purifier, sexual stimulant, and warming. It also enhances the action and activity of other oils.

Historical Uses: 
This most ancient of spices was included in just about every prescription issued in ancient China. It was regarded as a tranquilizer, tonic, and stomachic and as being good for depression and a weak heart.

French Medicinal Uses:
Sexual stimulant, tropical infection, typhoid, vaginitis.

Other Possible Uses:
This oil may be beneficial for circulation, colds, Coughs. digestion, exhaustion, fly, infections, rheumatism, and warts. This oil fights viral and infectious diseases and testing has yet to find a virus, bacteria, or fungus that can survive in its presence.

Body System(s) Affected: 
Immune System.

Dilute 1:3 (1 drop essential oil to 3 drops carrier oil) before using topically. Apply to reflex points and directly on area of concern.

Oral Use As Dietary Supplement:      
Safe for human consumption by the FDA. Dilute one drop oil in 2 tsp. honey or in 8 oz. of beverage. May need to increase dilution even more due to this oil's potential for irritation mucus membranes. Use with caution and in greater dilution for children 6-years and over.

Safety Data: 
Repeated use can result in extreme contact sensitization. Avoid during pregnancy. Can cause extreme skin irritation. Diffuse with caution; will irritate the nasal membranes if it is inhaled directly from diffuser. Use extreme caution when diffusing Cinnamon bark because it may burn the nostrils if you put you nose directly next to the nebulizer of the diffuser.

Blends With:
All citrus oils, Cypress, Frankincense, Geranium, Lavender, Rosemary, and all spice oils.

I am not a doctor I write from my personal experiences.

Let me know how you like to use Cinnamon and what your experiences have been.

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